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The Second Passover - Pesach Sheni

Dear Honorable Friends,

Today Sunday, May 15th is a minor Holiday called Pesach Sheni which means "The Second Passover." It marks the day when someone who was unable to participate in the Passover offering in the proper time would observe the mitzvah exactly one month later.

It is celebrated by eating some matzah—shmurah matzah, if possible. (Don’t worry, no need to get rid of your Chametz this time :))

Pesach Sheni is an extraordinary mitzvah. G d legislated it only after a group of Jews, impure ones at that, sincerely demanded a second chance.

Yidden, the lesson for us is clear: No matter how far we may wander, or how impure we may become, G d will pave the way for us if we sincerely want to make amends.

In the same way, we must cry, plead, and even demand that G d bring Moshiach and the Final Redemption. Just like the impure Jews of old were not afraid to ask for the opportunity to become closer to G d, neither should we.

May we use this opportunity to grow in our connection to G-d, His Torah and to one another.

Sincerely, Rabbi Eli Wajsbort


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